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The various specialised diets that are usually recommended by dieticians and nutritionists such as the Ketogenic diet, Fiengold and the low oxalate diet have been discussed with Ms Shruti Kelkar ahead. Benefits of adopting such diets for children with special needs,examples of such diet that can be prepared at home, tips to feed children etc are also mentioned.

Special thanks: The audio series was recorded and developed in collaboration with Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication, University of Hyderabad(UoH).

DISCLAIMER : This disclaimer claims that none of the content in this audio series is in anyway deemed as medical advice, and be treated for information purposes only. 

Among specialized diets, the GFCF diet is popularly used by many families as a ‘cure’ for Autism. It is important to note that the GFCF is not a cure for Autism (nothing is as the condition can never be cured, BUT only effectively managed). The diet plan however is effective to handle gluten and casein intolerance in children, and must be used for that reason alone. 


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