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11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

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Join us for a webinar that will address financial planning tips for your child with special needs. The webinar will be led by Mr. Jitendra P.S.Solanki, RIA, CTEPTM, and CFPCM who is a financial planning expert. During the webinar he will discuss:   A  financial plan roadmap for your child’s future   Financial planning tips   Ways of maximizing government benefits   Importance of a private Trust and Letter of Intent   Guardianship information Author of “Financial Planning for Families having children with special needs” Jitendra has been advising families with special needs children helping them in charting a roadmap for their future.The webinar is scheduled on 30th June 2018, Thursday from 11 a.m. -12.00 p.m. The webinar will take about 60 minutes followed by 30 minutes Q&A. We look forward seeing you there!! Register for the webinar below, along with payment of the participation fee. You will then receive an email with instructions for logging into the webinar on June 30th. Since we are limiting the attendance to 30 we will reserve the seats on first come first serve basis. A teaser video of what to expect at the webinar is shown below - Cost of participation – Rs.300/participant. Please pay the registration fee through PayTm to the following number - +91 78938 11770 Once a payment has been made, DO SEND an SMS with your name and purpose of payment to the same telephone number. 
