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07:00 AM - 12:30 PM

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Prafull Oorja Charitable Foundation ( brings you "Stars and Surya Namaskars", an International Yoga Day event. This International Yoga Day, join a unique celebration. On Saturday, 18 June, Prafull Oorja will host Stars & Suryanamaskars, a charitable event to benefit the hundreds of children, women and youth who participate in the organization's yoga and holistic therapies. Prafull Oorja is a not for profit organization operating out of Bangalore. It was started with the goal of making yoga and other holistic therapies accessible to all people. Today, over 500 children with special needs participate in Prafull Oorja's programs across Bangalore. In addition, Prafull Oorja serves more than 200 women and youth from rural communities surrounding the city. Stars & Suryanamaskars is an event dedicated to these individuals. Proceeds from the event will go directly to supporting these programs and requisite materials, such as yoga mats and eye pillows, for Prafull Oorja's students. The kids will even be there to help lead you through the 108 Suryanamaskar practice. Plus there will be yoga games, guest speakers and great food! Bring your mat, your kids, your friends and get ready for a fun filled celebration for a wonderful cause!
