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10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

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We are happy to announce internationally certified Brain Gym workshop in Hyderabad.It is a great opportunity to learn the ways to facilitate the experience of whole-brain integration through whole-body movement. The details are as follows: Course Name: Brain Gym®101 (is an approved Brain Gym® Course that counts towards licensure) Date: 25th, 26th, 27th November 2016 Days: Friday, Saturday & Sunday Timings: 10 : 00 am - 5 : 00 pm Course Fee: Rs.20,000 / Twenty Thousand (including course material and International certification recognized by Brain Gym foundation,USA) Early Bird Fee - Rs.19,000 / Nineteen Thousand Group Discount is also available To register your seat you have to pay non-refundable fee of Rs. 2,000/- and remaining Rs.17,000/- can be paid later. Last minute payments will not be expected. Afshan Jabeen ICICI BANK Mehdipatnam branch A/C No: 024501519875 IFSC Code: ICIC0000245 Who can attend: College students, Teachers, Parents, Artists, Athletes, Healthcare workers, Business professional and Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist & Physio Therapist Last Date of Registration: 21st - November - 2016 Facilitator: Dr Rashida Naraharasetti is a medical doctor . More information about Dr Rashida can be found here. She is an Osteopath, Energy Kinesiology and Educational Kinesiology practitioner and licensed Instructor Trainer from Canada. She is also trained in birth and post birth reflex integration, and additional training in Complimentary therapies. Course Outline: 26 Brain Gym movements Learning through movement Edu-K’s Five Steps to Easy Learning Dennison Laterality Re-patterning 3 dimensions of the brain. Benefits Integrated performance of both the left and right hemispheres working in co-operation. To make distinctions and discern differences in brain functioning Sustain attention Develop specialized skills of accuracy and precision Improvements in such skills as memory, mathematics, reading, writing, concentration, communication, creativity and athletic performance. Overall Increase energy levels. For queries and registration please contact Asra Mubeen on 9985440442 /
