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09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

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Earn CRE Points - “Research in the Field of Special Education” For Special Educators - Three Day Workshop - RCI India Approved FAME India, Bangalore offers services ranging from early intervention to Job placement to the adolescents with special needs. FAME Academy presents a 3 day workshop on “Research in the Field of Special Education”. This highly interactive workshop will include case studies, Group Discussions, Presentations & Group Work. Highly qualified faculty will facilitate this workshop Training Group: Special Educators, Mainstream school teachers, Psychologists, Social Workers, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists and other Rehabilitation professionals. Goal: The goal of this workshop is to provide a conceptually sound framework of knowledge, skills and attitude for conducting Research on education in Special School/Inclusive School setups. Training Objectives: On conclusion of the workshop, the Participants will be able to 1. List out the importance of research. 2. List out the types of research. 3. Choose the appropriate research design. 4. Execute a research study. Dates : Dec 9 to Dec 11, 2016 Venue : FAME Academy, 2nd Floor, Nadathur Place, 8th Main Road, 3rd Block, Jayanagar. Time : 9.30 am to 5.00 pm Duration : 18 hours of Theory & Practical Evaluation : Viva, Participation, Assignments Workshop Fees : Rs.4, 000 per Participant Please find the attachments. Tea, Snacks and Lunch will be served. (Early Bird Offer – Rs 1000 off till 20 th November 2016) 2nd Workshop - 5 day - Certified workshop on Adolescent Counseling Skills F.A.M.E Academy , Bangalore proposes to conduct a 5 day - Certified workshop on Adolescent Counseling Skills -. This highly interactive and participative course will include case studies, group discussions, video films, practical counseling skills, role plays and personal coaching on interpersonal skills. Target Group: Special Educators, Mainstream School Teachers, Parents, Students of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work, Caregivers, Individuals dealing with Adolescents. Dates : Dec 19 - Dec 23, 2016 Venue : 2 nd Floor, Nadathur Place, 8 th Main Road, 3rd Block, Jayanagar, Time : 9.30 am to 5.00 pm Duration: 40 hours of Theory & Practical Evaluation: Viva, Participation, Assignments Fees: Rs.5, 000 per Participant Bring in few of your Friend Circle Educators to the workshop and Avail Group Discounts . ( 3 Registration from your end - 10 % Discount ) Kindly call T.V. Sankar-9886898213 - for details. Lunch will be served at the venue. Highly Practical oriented concepts for course Excellence. Students of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work -- Registration --- 3000 Rs
