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Tooth Fairy – Dental Care for Your Child & YouExp: 14 Years
Consultations: In-person  
Address: 63, Road No 10, Gaffar Khan Colony,Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telanga - 500034
  • Tejas Melkote, MDS is a pediatric, preventive & Special Needs Dentist in Hyderabad.

    He has been working with children since 2004. Dental health is often neglected and before parents and care-givers realize it, painful cavities and dental infection sets in. With timely advice and information, parents, teachers and care-givers can go a long way in preventing dental problems which often lead to a vicious circle of related gastric and other healthcare anomalies.

    The dentist can be contacted on
    The dentist is also trained in delivering dental care under General Anesthesia and Hospital-Dentistry to manage dental problems in various stages of their detection. The services provided at toothfairy include: preventive oral health care, intervention and therapeutic oral and dental health care. The facilities include Sensory Room and Special Needs enabled dental healthcare facility,

  • Services :
    • Consultation

    Conditions Served :
    • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    • Cerebral Palsy (CP)
    • Down Syndrome (DS)
    • Global Developmental Delay (Earlier term was MR)
    • Learning Disabilities (LD)
    • Multiple Disabilities (MD)
    • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

    Age Group : 0 - 5 years ,13 - 17 years ,6 - 12 years ,above 18 years
    Gender : Boys