Starwalkers Clinic Mumbai (Online)

Starwalkers Clinic Mumbai (Online) Verified

Early Interventionist,Occupational Therapist,Speech Therapist,Therapy Centre
Specialization Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Autism Support Course for all, AAC support therapy, Autism Support using ND Framework, Speech therapy using NLA framework for Gestalt Language Processing
( Review)
1  Visited
2 yrs exp
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Starwalkers Clinic from Mumbai (Online) is a Private Teletherapy & Parent-training Clinic. They work with autistic children, Gestalt Language Processors, children / young adults with communication challenges & sensory processing difficulties, and more.

If you have visited Starwalkers Clinic from Mumbai (Online) then please consider leaving a review. Your input can help a lot of other parents and caregivers who are looking for service providers from Mumbai (Online).

In case you have any questions or if you want to report an issue, please contact our FREE Helpline at 844-844-8996. You can call or what's app us.

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Fee : Starting at Rs 800/-
Visiting Hours : Monday to Sunday. Flexible hours
Services :
  • Assessments
  • Brain Gym
  • Counselling
  • Early Intervention
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Play Therapy
  • Sensory Integration
Conditions Served :
  • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Cerebral Palsy (CP)
  • Down Syndrome (DS)
  • Global Developmental Delay (Earlier term was MR)
  • Learning Disabilities (LD)
  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
  • Undiagnosed
Age Group : 0 - 5 years,13 - 17 years,6 - 12 years
At present, we don't have records of this provider being associated with professional organizations. This section is updated periodically.
  • 5

    When you meet few people in life, you look at sky and Thank God, for bringing them unto Earth. Nazma is one of a kind. She is one among very few across globe, and first in India to bring Natural Language Acquisition to practice and follow child-led therapy. She studies Non-verbal communication like Sherlock Holmes and decodes the gestalts at ease. She is also an AAC advocate and a strong Neurodivergent Community follower. Above all, she is an Entrepreneur, which gives her lot of freedom in her pursuits and the approach she delivers. Undoubtedly, she is a 10 on 10.

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