Forum for Autism

Forum for Autism

Parent Organization
Mark your visit.
23 yrs exp
Flat No. 1, Ground Floor Sorabh House, Garden Lane, Off Colaba Causeway, Mumbai – 400 039, Maharashtra, India See on MAP
Flat No. 1, Ground Floor Sorabh House, Garden Lane, Off Colaba Causeway, Mumbai – 400 039, Maharashtra, India See on MAP
Contact Been Here

"FFA runs a library with books on Autism and related disorders based out of Mumbai. It is a parent run organization for kids with Autism. Today, this library is equipped with over 500 books authored by therapists and professionals in the area of autism, related disorders, slow learning and mentally retardation. The trust also has an educational and technical toy library. New parent counseling and educating them has become a crucial activity, which the institution has been actively pursuing. Counselling young parents by sharing their woes, educating them understand the severity of the disorder and providing them guidance on the therapies available and the methods of rehabilitation. FFA is affiliated to the Action for Autism (a leading national level parent organization registered in New Delhi

Services :
  • Counselling
Conditions Served :
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Age Group : 0 - 5 years,13 - 17 years,6 - 12 years,above 18 years
Gender : Boys,Girls
At present, we don't have records of this provider being associated with professional organizations. This section is updated periodically.
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