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Celebrating Caregivers- story of Avnish and Aditya

Avnish and Aditya's relationship is inspiring to see. We wish them all the best for their future together.

Welcome to another episode of Celebrating Caregivers. We’re showcasing caregivers who are tirelessly working toward bringing their kids to the mainstream and making our society inclusive in the true sense.

No joy in life brings greater pleasure than another get to love and treasure, and this statement truly applies to our little champ Avnish, a 7 year old, who became the first and youngest child to reach the altitude of 5,550 Metres (18,200 feet) at Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak. This achievement was not easy for him but was huge for Avnish as he was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at an early age. He also likes to play drums, dhols, and cycles. Apart from these he loves to plant, draw, play and learn.

But, have you guys ever thought about how he is able to do so many wonderful things? Everyone has a special person in their lives; for Avnish, it’s his father.

Being a single parent is not easy, but it can be rewarding as it has been for Aditya. He’s from Pune, and his life took a pleasant turn when he visited an orphanage where he met Avnish. A connection of love developed between them, and the adoption process began; there were many hoops to jump through in order to make this adoption happen, but Aaditya didn’t give up on society’s psychology.

In recognition of his efforts, the “world’s best mommy” title was bestowed upon him on International Women’s Day this year. He has been invited to a UN conference to discuss how to raise children with intellectual disabilities, and many articles have featured him.

Avnish and Aditya’s relationship is inspiring to see. We wish them all the best for their future together.

To know more such stories, click here.

If you have questions about Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, or other intellectual disabilities, or have concerns about developmental delays in a child, the Nayi Disha team is here to help. For any questions or queries, please contact our FREE Helpline at 844-844-8996. You can call or what’s app us. Our counselors speak different languages including English, Hindi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, and Bengali. 

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this article is for information purposes only.

Is Stem Cell Therapy a cure for treating Autism?

We are aware that many parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD have been offered stem cell therapies as a standard treatment option. Autism being a disability, the therapy results are slow, thus making the parents desperate for some miraculous solution. Hospitals have charged lakhs of money for stem cell therapy sessions but mostly it showed no result.

Indian Council of Medical Research, ICMR with inputs from medical specialists in this field has critically reviewed the existing scientific and medical literature regarding any evidence-based safety and efficacy of stem cells in ASD. The studies have revealed that stem cell therapy should NOT be offered as a standard or routine therapy to individuals with Autism.

According to the recent circular issued by the National Medical Commission (NMC) on 6th Dec 2022, “ The use of stem cell therapy in treating patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is not recommended and its promotion and advertisement will be considered professional misconduct”. To know in detail, read the circular attached above.

Medical professionals have welcomed the order as they agree to the fact that Autism is not curable and it is medically unethical to promise stem cell therapy as its cure. Doctors have also observed that there is a rise in irritability and aggression in people with ASD after stem cell therapy sessions.

If you have questions about Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, or other intellectual disabilities, or have concerns about developmental delays in a child, the Nayi Disha team is here to help. For any questions or queries, please contact our FREE Helpline at 844-844-8996. You can call or what’s app us. Our counselors speak different languages including English, Hindi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, and Bengali. 

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this article is for information purposes only. 
