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In this video Special Educator & Auditory Verbal Therapist (AVT), Ms.Kim Chadda helps a parent understand the choices to be made and options to consider when picking an appropriate hearing aid to help address a child’s hearing problems.

A child will require to use a hearing aid/implant depending on:

●          Their age

●          The severity of their hearing impairment.

Hearing aids are usually recommended for mild / moderate / severe loss.

Cochlear Implants are usually recommended for severe / profound loss.

It is important to follow-up after a hearing equipment fitting. Ensure the child undergoes periodic audiograms / mapping assessments to understand if the hearing has changed after the fitting of the equipment. A parent may also test to see if the child responds to familiar speech sounds.

Note : Ask your therapist about using the Ling 6-Sound Test Principles to assess the complete speech spectrum across distances.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this guide is for information purposes only. Please consult a qualified health practitioner for safe management.

Check this video too on Coming to terms with your child’s hearing impairment


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