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Dealing with menstrual blues in a girl child with special needs


Dr.Kavya Priya Vazrala

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When reproductive hormones go out of sync, the body faces intense fluctuations in moods. This phase of menstruation is termed menstrual stress. All women undergo menstrual stress that can occur at varying degrees. Medication may be the way to go in very extreme cases. But one must certainly not use it each month in situations that are manageable. The presentation highlights simple pointers that will help you meet the emotional needs of your girl child at the start of her menstrual cycle each month. This will help you be more prepared in understanding menstruation for women with special needs. And also the changes that are undergoing with your child and help them in being better prepared for PMS (Pre-Menstrual Stress) and their menstrual cycles every month.

You might also want to read Occupational therapy hacks for Menstruation in children with special needs to get some tips on managing challenges faced during menstruation among children with special needs. Additionally also check the article on, How to teach your child about good menstrual hygiene practices?

If you have questions about Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, or other intellectual disabilities, or have concerns about developmental delays in a child, the Nayi Disha team is here to help. For any questions or queries, please contact our FREE Helpline at 844-844-8996. You can either Call or send us a message over WhatsApp. Our counsellors speak different languages including English, Hindi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, and Bengali.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this guide on menstruation for women with special needs is for information purposes only. Please consult a qualified health practitioner for more information on menstruation and hygiene practices.

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