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शिशु सरोथी सेंटर फॉर रिहैबिलिटेशन एंड ट्रेनिंग फॉर मल्टीपल डिसएबिलिटी गुवाहाटी

Shishu Sarothi Centre for Rehabilitation and Training for Multiple Disability from Guwahati is a registered Non-profit Organization, Early Intervention Centre, Inclusive Preschool, Vocational Centre and Training Institute. They work with children and adults with Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other intellectual and developmental disabilities.

They are working in the domains of health, education, and advocacy since 1987.

In the Health domain, the services include Early Intervention (assessment, counselling, therapy, and related inputs and home management programs for families of neonates, infants, high-risk babies, and children with delayed development and disability). This service is also extended through outreach programs in other districts and covers close to 2000 children annually.

The Education services range from running a Centre for Education for around 200 students in an Inclusive Preschool, School Readiness programs for young children, and Special Education services for children with high support needs as well as a Vocational training unit for children and young adults with developmental disabilities such as Autism, ADHD, Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, and Deaf blindness; Training of Special Educators in RCI approved as well as customized training programs.

A Scholarship Program supports the higher education of students with disabilities across NE India and beyond. Inclusive Education programs in SSA and other schools to sensitize and equip teachers to improve the quality of their work with children with disabilities.

The Advocacy work focuses on creating awareness of the rights of children and persons with disabilities (both rights holders and duty bearers); advocacy of disabled-friendly policies, conducting access audits, and offering legal counsel & litigation support.
For more details check their website (

Early Intervention services are for age group 0-15 year.
Education services are for 3 -18 year
Vocational services are for 18+ year.

If you have visited Shishu Sarothi Centre for Rehabilitation and Training for Multiple Disability from Guwahati, then please consider leaving a review. Your input can help a lot of other parents and caregivers who are looking for service providers in from Guwahati.

यदि आपके पास कोई प्रश्न हैं या आप किसी समस्या की रिपोर्ट करना चाहते हैं, कृपया हमारी निःशुल्क हेल्पलाइन 844-844-8996. पर संपर्क करें। आप हमें कॉल कर सकते हैं या व्हाट्सएप भी कर सकते हैं।

सेवाओं संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे आगामी इवेंट्स और नई जानकारी संसाधनों के बारे में अपडेटेड रहने के लिए हमारे फेसबुक पेज को फॉलो करें।

सुभलक्ष्मी चौधरी गुवाहाटी

Subhalaxmi Choudhary is a Physiotherapist from Guwahati.

Subhalaxmi Choudhury from Guwahati is a Physiotherapist. She works with children and adults (2years – 20 years) with Autism, ADHD,Learning Disabilities and other intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Her services include Occupation therapy, physiotherapy, ADL training, sensory integration, CBR, parental training and counselling, executive functioning, brain Gym.

If you have visited Subhalaxmi Choudhury from Guwahati, then please consider leaving a review. Your input can help a lot of other parents and caregivers who are looking for service providers in from Guwahati.

यदि आपके पास कोई प्रश्न हैं या आप किसी समस्या की रिपोर्ट करना चाहते हैं, कृपया हमारी निःशुल्क हेल्पलाइन 844-844-8996. पर संपर्क करें। आप हमें कॉल कर सकते हैं या व्हाट्सएप भी कर सकते हैं।

सेवाओं संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे आगामी इवेंट्स और नई जानकारी संसाधनों के बारे में अपडेटेड रहने के लिए हमारे फेसबुक पेज को फॉलो करें।
