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10:30 AM - 11:30 AM



Prafull Oorja's uBloom Yoga for Special Needs in HYDERABAD! 15 yoga teachersfrom Prafull Orrja  have been working with 500+ children in 12 centers across Bangalore and this is their first venture outside. First section is for PARENTS, Second section is for YOGA TEACHERS/ OTs/ PTs, etc. SECTION 1: FOR PARENTS REGISTER a CHILD for a private or small group class in the afternoons in Narsingi, from 3-6 pm. Dates: 1-5 February (afternoon classes for child), AND 6 February (morning workshop for parents)Times: 3-6 pm daily (each child will be placed in a 30-60 minute class based on age and need.Place: Club House of Muppa Aishwarya, Narsingi, Near Sai Baba Temple, Manikonda Post, 500089Fees: Rs 3500, including 60 minute private sessions daily. If 30 minute session, or small group, fees will be adjusted. All materials included, and you will receive a homework book to continue practicing at home. Fees should be paid by Cheque/ DD made out to Prafull Oorja Charitable Foundation on first day of class ***************************************************************************************** SECTION 2: FOR YOGA TEACHERS/ OTs/ PTs/ OTHER HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS Level 1 uBloom TRAINING-- Please confirm registration by Wednesday, 27 January.Date: Sunday, 31 JanuaryTime: 10:30-6:30 pmPlace: Club House of Muppa Aishwarya, Narsingi, Near Sai Baba Temple, Manikonda Post, 500089Fees: Rs 3500, and please bring a yoga mat and your lunch These funds are utilized to pay the trainers, materials, and anything leftover goes towards some of the schools that work with Below Poverty Line special needs children. Fees should be paid by Cheque/ DD made out to Prafull Oorja Charitable Foundation, on the day of the organization  
