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मानचित्र में देखें

विनय कुमार

अनुभव: 16 वर्ष
No provider type available
योग्यता: MA in Occupational Therapy
पद: व्यावसायिक चिकित्सक
परामर्श: स्वयं   ऑनलाइन/वीडियो  
पता: Advance Rehabilitation Center Chandigarh Zirakpur, Escon Arena Apartment, Flat No.-917, 9th Floor, Tower-E, Nagla Road, Zirakpur. Behind Maya Garden City Zirakpur.
समय: MON-SUN 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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  • Dr. Vinay Kumar is an Occupational Therapist based in Chandigarh. He works with people with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and other developmental and intellectual disabilities. He completed Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy (MOT) with specializationin Rehabilitation from National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research-NIRTAR, Cuttack-Orissa (Government of India). He completed Bachelorin Occupational Therapy (BOT) from National institute for the Orthopedically Handicapped NIOH, Kolkata (Government of India).
    He has excellent Knowledge in Stroke Rehabilitation and Neurological diseases.
    He has excellent knowledge and experiences in Stroke, C.P, Delayed Milestone, Autism, ADHD, ASD etc. We provide Quality of rehabilitation treatment.

  • सेवाएं :
    • एबीए थेरेपी
    • व्यवहार संशोधन
    • ब्रेन जिम
    • व्यावसायिक चिकित्सा

    निम्नलिखित विकलांगता संबंधित सेवाएं उपलब्ध :
    • ऑटिज्म स्पेक्ट्रम डिसऑर्डर (ए एस डी )
    • डाउन सिंड्रोम (डी एस )

    आयु वर्ग : 13 - 17 साल ,6 - 12 साल , 18 साल और अधिक
    लिंग लड़के, लड़कियाँ