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यूनाइटेड वर्ल्ड एकेडमी

समावेशी विद्यालय
परामर्श: स्वयं  
पता: 405, 8th Main Rd, Koramangala 1A Block, Koramangala 3 Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
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  • United World Academy is an Inclusive school based out of Bengaluru. They take in kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities like Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral palsy etc
    United World Academy (UWA) in association with Repton School, U.K., brings to India a truly international school serving the local and international community of Bangalore. Repton School was established in 1557 and is one of the UK’s most famous independent schools with a strong network of international schools. We aim to be a visionary and outward looking centre of excellence, rooted in the best traditions of British education, whilst simultaneously reflecting the energy and vibrancy of India.

    आयु वर्ग : 0-5साल ,13-17 साल ,6-12 साल ,18 साल और अधिक

कोई संबंधित संसाधन नहीं मिले।