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Deepak Bhatia
मानचित्र में देखें

दीपक भाटिया

अनुभव: 7 वर्ष
No provider type available
योग्यता: M. A Psychology
पद: कैरियर परामर्श
परामर्श: स्वयं   ऑनलाइन/वीडियो   घर पर
पता: एफएफ-62 खजाना कॉम्प्लेक्स, लखनऊ
समय: 9:30 TO 6:30
Ratings : (0)
(0 Reviews)
जुड़ाव: APA
फीस: 1250
  • Deepak Bhatia is Consultant Counselling Psychologist having Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology, Masters in Human Resource Management along with Certificate in Guidance with rich professional work experience in the fields of Consulting and Counselling Psychology. He is an experienced hand in the fields of Counselling & Guidance for specific populations including the domains of School Psychology, Career Counselling Psychology, Educational Psychology, Organisational Psychology. He is based at Lucknow & provides both online & face to face Counselling & Guidance sessions. He has vast experience in Counselling & Guidance on behavioural issues, career counselling, emotional well being, leadership, performance management & developing a positive thought process and life skills.

    Professional Affiliation :
  • सेवाएं :
    • परामर्श
    • काउंसिलिंग
    • मनोचिकित्सा

      आयु वर्ग : 0-5साल ,13-17 साल ,6-12 साल ,18 साल और अधिक
      लिंग लड़के, लड़कियाँ

    कोई संबंधित संसाधन नहीं मिले।