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The Com DEALL Trust
मानचित्र में देखें

द कॉम डीईएएलएल ट्रस्ट

अनुभव: 25 वर्ष
No provider type available
परामर्श: स्वयं  
पता: 224, 6th 'A' Main, II Block, HRBR Layout, Bangalore 560043
समय: Monday-to-Friday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Ratings : (0)
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  • Comm Deall, early intervention program was developed by Dr. Prathibha Karanth, a pioneer in the field of speech-language pathology in India with over 40 years of experience. The program grew out of concern for the increasing number of children identified with developmental language disorders/autism spectrum disoders and the near total lack of early intervention/therapy facilities available in India
    The DEALL program provides intensive stimulation (3 hours/day, 5 days/week, over an academic year) by a team of speech language pathologists, occupational therapists / physiotherapists, developmental psychologists/educators with 1:4 staff to student ratio.

  • सेवाएं :
    • आकलन
    • काउंसिलिंग
    • प्रारंभिक हस्तक्षेप
    • व्यावसायिक चिकित्सा
    • भौतिक चिकित्सा
    • मनोचिकित्सा

    निम्नलिखित विकलांगता संबंधित सेवाएं उपलब्ध :
    • ध्यानाभाव और अतिसक्रियता डिसऑर्डर ( ए डी डी / ए डी एच डी )
    • ऑटिज्म स्पेक्ट्रम डिसऑर्डर (ए एस डी )

    आयु वर्ग : 0-5साल ,13-17 साल ,6-12 साल