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मानचित्र में देखें

ज्योत्सना उत्तम लखनऊ

अनुभव: 12 वर्ष
No provider type available
योग्यता: BSE-AST,national institute of delhi,{BCaBA given by U.S}
पद: आबा
परामर्श: स्वयं  
पता: Autism Intervention Centre, 2 dwarka puri ,sect8 indiranagar Lucknow
समय: 11am to 5.30 pm
Ratings : (0)
(0 Reviews)
जुड़ाव: BACB (USA), & RCI
फीस: 500
  • Jyotsana Uttam from Lucknow is an ABA/ Behavioral Therapist. She works with children and adults with Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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    Jyotsana Uttam is the founder member of Autism Intervention and learning Centre for learning difficulties. The learning Centre works towards providing the ABA programme which is not closed door and more inclusive and explanatory towards the parents as part of the programme . The Centre has worked successfully with many kids in developing speech and language , and social skills through ABA techniques

    RCI Registration Number : B44884
    Professional Affiliation :
    BACB (USA), & RCI
  • सेवाएं :
    • एबीए थेरेपी
    • आकलन
    • व्यवहार संशोधन

    निम्नलिखित विकलांगता संबंधित सेवाएं उपलब्ध :
    • ध्यानाभाव और अतिसक्रियता डिसऑर्डर ( ए डी डी / ए डी एच डी )
    • ऑटिज्म स्पेक्ट्रम डिसऑर्डर (ए एस डी )
    • सीखने संबंधी विकलांगता (एल डी )

    आयु वर्ग : 0 - 5 वर्ष, 6 - 12 वर्ष