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Activities of Daily Living

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महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी

After a diagnosis of developmental disorder, the first target should be ADLs i.e. Activities of Daily Living, rather than academics.

Here is a wonderful PowerPoint in my files about ADLs. Unluckily the name of the author is not known but would sincerely like to thank the anonymous author. It has been done brilliantly.

The PPT has 42 slides and it deals with ADLs very well. The ADLs are broken down in a sequence with great graphics. The ADLs covered are
-Toilet Training
-Eating Habits
– Bath Time
-Dressing/undressing privacy
Most importantly it is from the Indian context. I request all parents, more so the parents of the younger kids to go through. I hope 40 odd ppt slides are not overwhelming

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