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फ्लिपसाइड वर्कस्पेस हैदराबाद

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Padma Tummala
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महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी

The Flip side Workspace, run by Urmila ji is a very great place for Intellectual Disabled Adults to learn Life Skills and Togetherness, Social skills and more. They are not commercial; they just want to make the needy adults make Independent. My Daughter, Sai Krupa is 22 yrs old, was not able to control her, I wanted to end up our life, But Nayi Disha group parents showed me a way to engage my daughter and learn Life Skills, Especially Urmila ji invited me to admit my daughter in The Flipkart Side. After coming here, I found drastic Changes in my daughter behavior, she is learning new things every day and she feels that she is Capable like all others, she is becoming so calmness, understandability and responsible. Thank you, Urmila ji, and Nayi Disha members for showing us a new life. 🙏
Now I am not afraid of what after me, because my daughter can take care of herself, I just want to take care of myself so that I can see my daughter growing Independent with the help of The Flip Side.

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