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AT&T Technology Park and Institute is a vocational technology training center
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AT&T Technology Park and Institute (Online)

अनुभव: 24 वर्ष
No provider type available
परामर्श: स्वयं   ऑनलाइन/वीडियो  
समय: Depends on course choosen
Ratings : (0)
(0 Reviews)
फीस: free
  • AT&T Technology Park and Institute (Online) is a Vocational Technology Training Center. They work with adults with Cerebral Palsy and visual, communication, and locomotive disabilities.

    AT&T Technology Park and Institute is a vocational technology training center., started by PNR society in 2001 which aims at providing vocational courses for skilling and up-skilling youth with special needs (visual, communication, and locomotive disabilities) by training them through our various programs which focus on operating computer, social media, and mobile repair, to enable them to create employment opportunities for them. Also keeping in mind the new opportunities technology provides and the fact that it actually provides a level playing platform for the differently abled, we have expanded the reach by our Online Courses ( for more details go to the Online Course details). This has helped us to reach more children in rural India.

    If you have visited AT&T Technology Park and Institute (Online) then please consider leaving a review. Your input can help a lot of other parents and caregivers.

    यदि आपके पास कोई प्रश्न हैं या आप किसी समस्या की रिपोर्ट करना चाहते हैं, कृपया हमारी निःशुल्क हेल्पलाइन 844-844-8996. पर संपर्क करें। आप हमें कॉल कर सकते हैं या व्हाट्सएप भी कर सकते हैं।

    सेवाओं संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें

    कृपया हमारे आगामी इवेंट्स और नई जानकारी संसाधनों के बारे में अपडेटेड रहने के लिए हमारे फेसबुक पेज को फॉलो करें।

    • निम्नलिखित विकलांगता संबंधित सेवाएं उपलब्ध :
      • सेरब्रल पाल्सी (सी पी )

      आयु वर्ग : 18 वर्ष से ऊपर