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मानचित्र में देखें

एम. अमूल्य रेड्डी हैदराबाद

No provider type available
योग्यता: BASLP, Masters in Early Intervention
पद: Early Interventionist, Audiologist, SLP
परामर्श: स्वयं  
पता: 2/92,, 1-98/2/92, Kavuri Hills Rd, CBI Colony, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500033
समय: Mon - Fri: by appointment
Ratings : (1.5)
(1 समीक्षा )
  • M.Amulya Reddy in Hyderabad is a Speech Therapist and Early Interventionist. She works with children with Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other intellectual and developmental disabilities.

    She is the chairman and director for Shishu Pragathi Child Developmental Clinic. She has attended conferences like decoding autism, advanced neurodevelopmental therapy for motor intervention in babies and toddlers, principles and practices of developmentally supportive care in NICU, Bayley developmental scale administration.
    She is also specialized to handle and provide speech and language intervention services using effective and evidence-based treatment strategies lie relational therapy, floor time, play therapy, applied behavioral analysis, milieu teaching for toddlers and children with neurodevelopmental disorders like autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, sensory processing disorders, cerebral palsy, genetic disorders like fragile x syndrome, down syndrome, tuberous sclerosis,  childhood apraxia of speech, seizure disorders and other syndromes which result in mental retardation, hearing impairment.

    As an early interventionist, she has worked in NICU for neuromaturity assessment and high-risk analysis for developmental delays and disorders, she conducts developmental milestones follow up for children with preterm and other medical complications like high-risk pregnancies with gestational diabetes, hypertension, and other complications and provide early developmental services like developmental motor intervention, visual stimulation. She also conducts assessments and provides treatment services for children with a holistic developmental perspective involving gross motor, visual, balance, coordination, auditory processing, eye-hand coordination, social, self-help skills.

    If you have visited M.Amulya Reddy in Hyderabad then please consider leaving a review. Your input can help a lot of other parents and caregivers who are looking for service providers from Hyderabad.

    यदि आपके पास कोई प्रश्न हैं या आप किसी समस्या की रिपोर्ट करना चाहते हैं, कृपया हमारी निःशुल्क हेल्पलाइन 844-844-8996. पर संपर्क करें। आप हमें कॉल कर सकते हैं या व्हाट्सएप भी कर सकते हैं।

    सेवाओं संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें

    कृपया हमारे आगामी इवेंट्स और नई जानकारी संसाधनों के बारे में अपडेटेड रहने के लिए हमारे फेसबुक पेज को फॉलो करें।

    RCI Registration Number : Rci-2016-63588-A
  • सेवाएं :
    • आकलन
    • व्यवहार संशोधन
    • स्पीच थेरेपी

    निम्नलिखित विकलांगता संबंधित सेवाएं उपलब्ध :
    • ध्यानाभाव और अतिसक्रियता डिसऑर्डर ( ए डी डी / ए डी एच डी )
    • ऑटिज्म स्पेक्ट्रम डिसऑर्डर (ए एस डी )
    • सेरब्रल पाल्सी (सी पी )
    • डाउन सिंड्रोम (डी एस )
    • वैश्विक विकासात्मक देरी
    • सीखने संबंधी विकलांगता (एल डी )
    • एकाधिक विकलांगता( एम डी )
    • सेंसरी प्रोसेसिंग डिसऑर्डर

    आयु वर्ग : 0 - 5 वर्ष, 6 - 12 वर्ष
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    Published on: मार्च 29, 2022
    Ratings : (1.5)
    Fee is too high 1350 per session.service provide is average.